Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I Been Thinkin...

About who I will be voting for on Super Tuesday. I admit to not paying much attention to this point, knowing that some candidates would be eliminated, and I might have to shift my loyalty. For example, there was something about Rudy Giuliani that I just liked. Not everything, just something. Well, that doesn't matter anymore, does it? It might surprise you, since ALL homeschoolers will vote for Mike Huckabee, that my vote will likely not go to him. But I haven't made a final decision on anyone yet. I'm still listening to what they're saying, and how they're acting. I don't really want to cast my vote for someone I like; I want to cast my vote for someone who would be good for me, or, really, for all of us. See, politics, in my mind, are a lot like cod liver oil. It smells nasty, and tastes FAR worse. But, in the end, what it gives a person is healthy and beneficial. Really. It is.
Oh, and I guess you've read enough here to know that I won't be voting for either of these people.


Elephantschild said...

Sigh. It's going to be another head-in-the-toilet, vote with your nose-pinched-shut-election, I think.

Cheryl said...

I liked Rudy, too, even with all his "issues." Here we are days away and I still don't know what hole I'm going to push my little pin through. I'm leaning towards McCain, though, because in spite of checkered non-conservative past I just have a better feeling about his innate character as well as about his ability to beat the Democrat, and that in my opinion is the prime directive.