Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Want to Tell You What's Happening to a Soldier I Know

He has been serving for 7 years. He has a wife and three small children.
He and his wife are separated. It happens a lot to soldiers. This particular wife could not remain faithful during his first deployment, but he forgave her. During his second deployment her existing mental illness worsened to the point that she spoke of hurting or killing the children. She continued to be unfaithful and violent, and, so, they separated.
She wants him to go away, but send child support. He wants to be a full part of his children's lives. In his state, he recently learned, it is likely that she will be granted what she wants. As his third deployment looms, he wants to provide the children with time away from her, with grandparents taking the time he would spend with them, if he were home. While this could be arranged, she does not want it, so it will not likely happen. Even if it did, she could go to court and change it while he's gone. Thanks for serving your country.
He attends college full time, is running out of money, and wants to work to support his kids. He cannot lie to employers about his military status, but worries that they won't hire him if they know he'll be leaving for War not too long from now. Some have already refused. Thanks for serving your country.
He wants to provide health insurance for his children. His state's governor pushed for a much-ballyhooed insurance plan that would cover veterans' children. One of the rules of the plan is that no policyholder can be eligible any other plan and remain eligible for this one. He is eligible for regular veterans' insurance, so his children cannot be covered by this plan. Only children of those with dishonorable discharges, who would NOT be eligible for veterans' coverage, can be covered by this scam of a plan. Thanks for serving your country.
But I truly thank him. His "hang in there" attitude, despite his moments of despair, keeps me going when I worry about my kids. He is an inspiration.

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