Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm Tired.

It's been along day of ferrying Grandma to the doctor, which also included WalMart and the hearing aid place, for batteries. Oh, and locking the keys in the trunk. Yeah, can't forget that. I had to rely on the kindness of strangers for a ride to the Buick dealer, where yet another stranger cut a key for the trunk. Crisis averted in a swift half hour. Not too shabby.
Unlike this whole run-for-office system we have. There. I said it. While I love the right to vote and make decisions that affect me on the most personal levels, I really don't like the process. I mean, what should be appealing about a nasty, bitter process that gets longer year after year? Can anyone tell me why the primaries don't rotate? Why do Iowa and New Hampshire get so much attention and responsibility, campaign after campaign? And why do we have exit polling? Why do we know HOURS before Hawaii does, who it is that will be leading our country for the next four years?
Back in the day, communication was SLLLOOOOWWWW. And still they managed to begin campaigning relatively close to the election. People still managed to find out who was on the ticket. Why the long, draining process we have now?
When I run the country, (snicker) here's how it will go. Labor Day weekend before the election, the parties will meet to appoint candidates. Candidates will be appointed by their parties, who will have to find candidates who "fit" with the parties' platforms. The parties will have to be very careful to decide what they're pushing this year, so that they don't embarrass themselves by finding someone who, well, embarrasses them. Got that?
Beginning immediately that Tuesday, campaigning will start, and will last for 7 weeks. Just the candidates. Just the 7 weeks. In a world where we can see Britney Spears' life fall apart the evening it happens, no one should be able to complain that they didn't know who was campaigning or what they stood for. The last week before the election there will be NO CAMPAIGNING. Give the people some time to THINK about what they're doing, without the background noise.
And on election day, no exit polling. No discussion of election results until Hawaii counts theirs. We may have to go to bed at a decent time, and get up the next day to find out who the winner was. But then we'll have the sleep we'll need to discuss what happened.
There. Now you know some of the thought process that will keep me from ever running the country!


Elephantschild said...

As someone who's lived in a country where you had to whisper the president's name and look over your shoulder just to be safe before you said anything political...

I LOVE THIS CHAOS. Especially this year, 'cus it's SO open.

:) Take a deep breath, and remember that the country survived one Clinton presidency.

Melody said...

Oh, Jenny, I agree about loving the chaos. I just don't see how dragging it out over, what, almost two years, does anything but drag the whole process down. I'd like to shorten it. I think that would make it more purposeful, less capricious.
However, you're right. I don't have your life experience in this area!

Elephantschild said...

Yeah, starting a full year before the Iowa caucus is a LITTLE BIT much.