Thursday, February 7, 2008

Posting Late

It's been a snotty day today. Really. Some sort of sinus crud has descended upon me, and no amount of Fisherman's Friend or Tazo tea* seems to be helping. It's just enough to make me feel like the world rolled over me, but not enough to suck all my energy and allow me to sink back into bed.
But I digress.
In my sinus medicine fog, did I hear that one of the Republican candidates dropped out of the race? Did I hear other Republicans being skeptical about one of the ones left? The one with the best chance of winning the nomination? What are we, BABIES? It's my way or I take my Binky and go home? "I'll vote for the Democrat before I vote for the Republican candidate, if he's the one." Geez oh Pete's, last I heard, Republicans were concerned about a brokered convention. Seems like we may not have that worry, but we're moving on to worry about something else.
Something a friend of mine told me long ago sticks with me through thick and thin. She told me it was from the Talmud; "Don't go looking for trouble. It might get lost on it's way to your house." Sensible, sane people are out looking for Trouble. Wait. Calm down. By the time November rolls around, Trouble may have gone on to someone else's house.
Or maybe I heard wrongly, and it was just the combination of Allegra and Mucinex. If so, I'm sorry. Carry on.

* My favorite combination for sinus and post-nasal yuckiness is 1 bag each of Tazo Zen and Wild Sweet Orange teas, brewed together and sweetened with a little honey. It's lovely. I hope you don't have to use it, though.
And click on the link for Fisherman's Friend, dragging your mouse over the bag. It's just cute.

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