Friday, February 29, 2008


Heard from MAP yesterday. Seems he was jumping off a truck into a rut he didn't see, and sprained an ankle. He's on crutches and confined to desk work. Now, that makes a mommy feel really happy, even if only temporarily, but he is BORED. So bored he called his Momma...

Another lovely Friday.
Today I will be tortured by the physical therapist. We just have the best time together! I work until it hurts; he laughs and says, "You can handle ten more." Whatta guy. (Actually, it's really helping. If you have aches you can't resolve, give this a chance. Don't get mine talking about chiropractic, though!)
Afterward, I'll visit my cousin. Actually, I'll pick up MAP's car from his body shop (the windshield cracked in the cold.) Then I'll hit the road for MN and a friends' gathering. Why am I going north in this weather? Merlot and chocolate. Why else?

1 comment:

Elephantschild said...

Didja ever think, as a mother, that you'd be HAPPY your kid sprained his ankle? Weird, eh?

Have fun this weekend!!! Say hi for me and tell them I'll be there next time!