Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin

Now I wish I had listened to the speeches last week. I would be able to compare better.

Did you hear it? Did you like it, like I did? I think I need to check a couple of facts, but it was great speaking. Humor, confidence and ability; what a combination.

Did you hear any commentators afterward? They made me grumpy. They called her "feisty," and "spunky." To paraphrase Rudy Giuliani, when do they say that about men? Why are men courageous, hard-hitting and assertive, when women are feisty, spunky and "have moxie?" Why don't men ever have moxie? I'm a die-hard feminist, in that I intend to live my life as a feminine women, not taking advantages because of my sex, nor refusing challenges. But this just burns me up. You could call it a pet peeve.

Except women aren't peevish. We're...bitchy.


Michelle said...

I called her spunky too - and I don't know why for sure - but, in my book, I meant it as a compliment.

I do see your point though!

Elisha said...

I LOVED her speech. Very rarely do I find a politician that I get excited about, and usually end up getting mad or bored during their speeches but she had me on the edge of my seat wanting to hear every word. I think it is great that we may have a military mom in the White House as well as young mother facing the same kinds of issues all of us "regular" people have.

Genuine Lustre said...

I think she is breath of fresh air Melody. Regular folks. Like Jane said yesterday on ML, some people are just wired to do more, or called to serve.

Brad's uncle was in the Hanoi Hilton for 9 months at the time that McCain was there. He says he never liked McCain. An air force pilot here in our town says McCain was an ass. Well, I think you need to be cocky and pushy to climb the political ladder, otherwise, we'd all be doing it. I was not a McCain fan - I voted for Paul in the primary, but now that we're at this point---------I really don't want Obama for president.

I have some liberal online friends who are just beside themselves - they're tossing out info from the Natl Inquirer and San Francisco columnists. I'd say they're running scared!

RPW said...

Veith had a good post...

I don't think there is anything wrong with spunky or moxie. Sarah Palin's charm is that she can be tough AND be feminine at the same time. While maybe they meant it as a little condescending (I don't know)..when you add the feminine element to tough, that is what you get.

When Hillary is tough, she is a b*tch. She became a powerful woman by refuting all that is feminine. She neutered herself. (you notice how there isn't an equivalent for emasculate?)

Palin is powerful, charismatic, etc. precisely because she doesn't seperate her ability to lead with her identity as a woman, a wife, and a mother..even if it means breastfeeding discreetly, carrying her baby in her pouch, having a crib in her office, or cooking her family dinner.

Feminism sought to put women out there in the world by separating them from their biology...Palin embraces her biology and still leads.

Hannah said...

What I heard, I loved. Pity it was a school night.