Thursday, January 15, 2009

On The Road (Yet) Again

Yes, we did leave. It was really tough, and didn't happen until after supper Tuesday. But, leave we did. -sniff- I left my "little" boy again at the mercy of Sgt. So-And-So, and lit out for the frozen tundra.
We spent a night in the Ft. Worth area, and Mary renewed her friendship with the Heimbigner girls. Today was a long, slow trek through Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Treebeard the Ent once said something like, "I like going south. It feels like walking downhill." In much the same way, driving north was like going uphill. Time really dragged.
But we're in Independence, MO, tonight. If the West is properly defined by the Missouri River, we have crossed over and left it behind tonight. We'll be back soon enough, but we'll miss it until then.


Genuine Lustre said...

Gone for a year, only to see him for a few days. Waah! Well, at least you can pick up the phone now.
Safe travels!

How is Number #3 son?

Elephantschild said...

I'll just bet you don't want to hear that it was -14 the last time I looked at the thermometer. :(

Go back! Back! While you still can! Retreat! Fly awaaaaaayyyyy.....