Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When Will I Learn Not To Whine?

God has wonderful ways of teaching us. When we complain about mud, and muck, and struggle with animals, he sends weather systems that drop the temperature twenty degrees and freeze the water and mud. Makes it easier to walk now, but it's COLD. And WINDY. I have windburn again.

My fault. I whined.


Ma said...

Weren't you just "whining" about not being able to walk in mud? Well, now you can! Isn't life wonderful? You got exactly what you wanted!

I think we are going to be getting the weather tonight after midnight. It's already very cold outside.


Elisha said...

we have frozen mud here as well. some up north of us have flooding so we are luckier than they are.

At least your boots wont get stuck in the frozen mud!

Kristi said...

Tom says you can't see green grass till you go through the mud.....

Ma said...

Now I have frozen mud at my place! Thanks a lot! It's contagious.


Senor Sock said...

I know what you mean. I too often complain when my margarita is not mixed just so or when Denise Richards uses all the hot water in the shower. I should just suck it up and stop whinning.