After sleeping in 15-30 minute stretches during 4 hours of the night, I was not functioning well when we all rejoined each other. Perhaps words were exchanged with my poor husband. It's hard to remember; I hadn't slept much, after all. But we were together, and off we went to the graduation.
For your watching pleasure, then, the platoons march in...
Awards were given, oaths were taken and reaffirmed. I think the Soldier's Creed, which has been repeated in unison at every graduation, will always move me. Afterward, we were given clear, concise instructions to "line up at the tables to sign out your soldier. Their names will be called. Don't crowd the main floor. Wait for the names." As the LT finished these instructions, parents began crowding the main floor. We stood toward the back, not wanting to be in the pushing and shoving part of the crowd. We could see Ethan through the sea of heads, just to the left of the DS (drill sergeant) hat.
As we stood there, waiting, we realized that, regardless of what the LT had said, we were NOT supposed to wait for names to be called but, rather, to push to the front of the crowd, find our soldier's name on the master list, sign him out, and THEN the DS would call out his name. Oh....Now we got it. And soon we had him.
Doncha love those glasses? Any wonder they're called BCG's? (Birth Control Glasses) He'll get his own pair back, well, by now.
We ate pizza for lunch,(check one thing off Ethan's list) went to the theater to see Star Trek,(check another thing off Ethan's list) stopped for ice cream, said goodbye to dad and grandparents, who were heading home, and had burgers and shakes for supper (next-to-last thing to check off Ethan's list.) We just needed a good steak to round out the day, but we'll have to save that for when we visit him in San Antonio! Yep, he's in Texas now, sitting in yet another Reception area. Soon, though, he'll join the ranks of those training to be combat medics. We'll head down to visit him, and then head down for another graduation in September.
Another Army career begins...
Wow. I can only imagine how proud you are. He already looks so much more grown up. Congratulations to all!
Congratulations! Shawn graduated from Basic at Ft. Knox back in 2003. Actually he did OSUT,so graduation was not until after AIT was finished.
We only live about 1 1/2 hour from Ft. Knox and I have family who lives about 15 minutes from the post.
Did you have time to visit the Patton Museum while you were there?
Hah, that's the same building I graduated in. Hard Knox Boys! Haha.
Welcome to the club, Ethan.
Congrats, Ethan and MOM!
And sorry, Evan, but Ethan looks less dorky in the BCG's than you did in yours.
Hooray for Ethan!!! And for Mom!!
How great to catch a glimpse of him at last!
Gosh, what a horrible hotel experience. Nobody does it with a sense of humor like you do, Melody. : 0 )
Those glasses.... yeah.
Congrats Ethan! I look forward to hearing about your further adventures.
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