Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day!

December 26 is a holiday for the British world; Britain, Canada, South Africa, Australia, among others. The name refers to boxes of gifts given to employees, servants, etc. The tradition probably comes out of the Middle Ages, when the serfs would gather for Christmas at the manor house. While everyone was there, anyway, this was the perfect time for the lord of the manor to distribute the supplies he was required to give his servants for the coming year. That might be clothing, tools, whatever was agreed to. It continued into the Victorian era, when the wealthy would give their servants the day after Christmas off. After all, the servants didn't get Christmas off; they were serving for the Christmas parties of the house. Service people, like garbage men, etc, would also receive boxes, which might contain money, gifts, etc.
So today is the day to rest and relax eat leftovers, and make sure you leave tips for people like the paperboy and mailman.
Happy Boxing Day!

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