Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just Like High School

It really is!
Just like back in high school, I'm waiting for some male to call. The phone rings, and I wonder, "Could it be him?" I look at the caller ID, and, if it's a little bit mysterious, I think, "Finally!" And it's someone selling inground pools. To a hobby farmer in Northern IL. With 8 inches of snow on the ground. Sheesh.
But military moms do that. We wait for e-mails. We wait for phone calls. We wait.... Sometimes we get really silly and start being afraid of cars in the driveway. Even ones that aren't black, or carrying insignia. The ComEd guy came by the other morning. He just wanted to read the meter, but he might have felt badly about the conversation going on inside. I couldn't leave what I was doing, so I hollered out to EP, #3 son, "Why are the dogs barking?" "There's a car pulling in." "What KIND of car?" "I don't know." "FIND OUT!" "Oh, Mom, it's just the ComEd guy. Why?"
Why, indeed? Why do you think? Because he hasn't CALLED. So, MAP, if you're reading this...CALL YOUR MOTHER.

1 comment:

Genuine Lustre said...

I really like getting Christmas letters from those friends that I only hear from once a year. A personal note would be great, but what really burns me is the pre-printed names and nothing else - not a word.

Yesterday I got a Christmas letter from a bizarro cousin of mine that I haven't seen since I was 6 yrs old. Her geeky adult children are still living at home and doing Ren Faires. Liddy burst out laughing when I said, " . . and they're not even homeschoolers . . . ."

So great to see you blogging this way Melody. You're my favorite blue star mother. Your header picture is priceless. Praying that you hear from your boy early and often!

p.s. I put an ARMY ROTC sticker on my car today.