Thursday, December 20, 2007

Some Grinchiness

I'm feeling a little Grinchy these days, about two subjects. I'll share one today. I'll share the other one tomorrow.
I started writing Christmas cards this past weekend. Since Christmas, technically, starts ON Christmas day (not Halloween; check a church calendar) and ends on Jan. 6, I'm right on time. For years I sent a page-long Christmas letter. Yes, I'm one of THOSE. I tried to keep it funny, and was told I succeeded. Since we don't have a multi-million dollar fortune, or genius children performing their first appendectomies from their strollers, it wasn't even "braggy." But it served to let those we care about but don't get to see catch up on our lives. Even when they didn't want to!
Well, about 6 years ago, I noticed the mood of the Christmas letter we RECEIVED began to change. No longer, "Hi, we love you, take care this year," and now... A platform for causes. Sly comments about certain political figures began to creep into these letters. As the years went on, not-so-sly. Downright aggravating. And, yeah, while these letters often take the tone of bragging on our accomplishments, regardless of our concern that they don't, I've noticed certain Christmas letters creeping further and further from the purpose of the Christmas card. Which was to share joy at the time of the celebration of the birth of Christ. Even among Christians, I've noticed more and more of, "Aren't we terrific because we picked this cause instead of that other one?"
Yes, I'm more sensitive to it because my little boys serve a cause that has become a target. Actually, they serve the country that allows multiple causes, and is even strong enough to allow it's causes to BECOME targets. That will never change, unless "We The People" allow it. What has changed is my method of sharing news with my friends and family. I don't write a Christmas letter anymore. It's not because I don't want to be like those people who brag about little Sissy's A+ in computer basketweaving, but because this trend toward politicizing these letters is continuing and expanding. I confess, I was looking forward to a change in administration JUST SO I could send a sarcastic letter that started, "Well, good things are happening here in the US. Now life can become livable again, and everyone will get a puppy." But I don't want to be part of the problem.
So, this year, if you get a Christmas card from me, you will see something shocking. My own handwriting and a short, hopefully happy note. It won't be a disclosure of my platform. I promise.


321cedargrove said...

Enjoying your new blog - looking forward to some interesting reads.
Western Iowa

Elephantschild said...

Phew - I'm glad you broke the rules and posted the link to your blog on Loopers, or I'd a never a found ya!

Scott said...


Guess you don't want my "Google Ron Paul" Christmas newsletter?


Melody said...

Hey, Scott, send it for Epiphany.