Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When I Was 17...

I also had recruiters courting me. It was 1976, and I was graduating from high school. Only a year before, the US had pulled out of Vietnam in a messy and painful way. The military did NOT have a good public image, to say the least. I was a B student, and the constant refrain was, "Tell them to get lost. Only losers go into the military."
Losers. Like this guy, or this one. People who hold compassion and honor above personal concerns. Yeah, losers.
I have a matted piece of calligraphy around here somewhere, waiting for a frame. It reads, "You don't raise sons to be heroes, but, if you raise them right, they become heroes anyway, even if it's just in your eyes." I hold my military boys as two of my heroes. Even though one "has issues" and the other "can't take care of himself" (and there's lots of sarcasm and humor in those two quotes!) they are among the bravest and most honorable people I know. One enlisted just before 9/11/2001, and was at Basic training when the world changed. But he reenlisted last winter, under the "crossed swords" in Baghdad.

Do you think he's a loser?

Then there was boy #2, who enlisted just as The Dreaded Surge was beginning. Would you call somewhat like that a loser?
Not to his momma's face, you wouldn't!

So, now, boy #3 is 17. And, later today, the cheesehead recruiter will stop by to pick up his transcript to take to the EdSpec (educational specialist) to evaluate. I know he's no loser, and the recruiter knows he's no loser. In fact, the recruiter is really trying to turn him toward ROTC, instead of enlisting. But EP wants to be a soldier before he's an officer, so it doesn't look like ROTC is where he's going. In fact, if I don't stop blogging and get the transcript WRITTEN, he may not even go enlisted!
So I'm off to turn another loser into my hero. Prayers would be appreciated.


Genuine Lustre said...

EP - Consider becoming a Rot-c Nazi. : )

Genuine Lustre said...

I also wanted to say.... the army needs leaders too. EP - you are very smart - you wanted to be an egyptologist. We love you for your bravery and your manhood - we want you to use your brains too.

Elephantschild said...

So the cheeseheads won out, eh?
