Thursday, August 28, 2008

Late Summer

It's been lovely here this week. The temperatures have been perfect, and the humidities, too. Until today, it's been sunny and bright; today has been all-day rain. But it is needed.

It's been fragrant, too. I have been freezing pies, of course, and that adds a wonderful perfume. But the outside, air, too, has changed. Still fresh, there are hints of warm grass and burning brush. You know, that warm grass smell that comes at the end of summer, when the soil is warm and the grass is dry. Just beautiful.

No leaves changing yet, though. There's still time for that.

Homeschooling has started. Little people and big are remembering the math they learned last May, and new subjects like Civics and Modern History are in the plan. We even had our first field trip this week. Not many teachers would take a day off in the first week, but I'm not many teachers and the raspberries were ripe! The next one will likely be to an apple orchard, where the Seanster will learn what makes apples grow and we'll get some to dip in caramel... Yum!

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