Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where is the Hope?

I should be watching and listening to the speeches from the Democratic National Convention tonight. I really should. But I am glad, instead, that reruns of Frazier are on. I just don't have it in me today to hear the pap I'm sure I'd hear. I have got this cynical thing going on today that has me in the hole of feeling that it doesn't matter what I do, decisions will be made without me and I will have to live with them. Feeling ironically hopeless, I think I'll go to bed.

Oh, no. John has turned it on. He's listening to Joe Biden. Will I get drawn in? Probably not.

Here's my take on it. Obama hasn't done much, and I don't see how someone like him will be able to get anything done in the future. So, there are two scenarios.

One is that he wins the Presidency and takes office. He serves four years, gets little done, and is not reelected. It's kinda the "Jimmy Carter syndrome." Sadly, though, during those four years, we could be doing so much to make this country more secure and less dependent on the rest of the world.

The other scenario, where McCain becomes President, works better for this military mom. I feel better entrusting my sons to a Commander in Chief who knows what they're going through than to someone who has no clue. (Here's an interesting perspective; more about Mrs. McCain than about Mr, but still interesting.) I think that's where I'll place my attention and energy in the coming months. Come November, we'll see if I spent wisely.

Update: Remember those apples? Four pans of apple slices were put into the freezer today. And we picked raspberries; 8 pints of raspberry jam and a hefty snack for Mary.

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