Monday, November 24, 2008

I Don't Want To Do It

Mary just said that to me. I pointed out some things she needed to correct on a math test. I have always figured that the point is not to get a good grade; the point is to understand the material. Now, grades being the societal measurement, I do push for them to do their best. But I also allow them to correct mistakes. On a homework assignment, I allow them as many chances at it takes to get them all right; the rub is that they get only half a point the second (or third, or, sometimes, the fourth) time around. On an exam, they get one chance at correcting, earning half a point again for corrected work, and the grade at the end of their second chance sticks.

I hope that makes sense.

Anyway, I pointed out what needed correcting; among other things, she had ignored the Third Commandment of Mathematics; Thou must use thy common sense, else thou wilt have flagpoles 9,000 feet in height, yea even fathers younger than sons. Her response to my correction was, "I don't want to do that." "What do you mean," said I. "I don't want to do corrections." I said, "I don't know what you want me to say to that," and walked away. Well, of course I know what she wanted me to say; "Oh, poor sweetie, of course you can skip it. Just go off and write more of your fantasy novel and we'll call it good. Or sleep. Or watch Avatar. Whatever you want." If only it worked that way...

If it worked that way, I would have been able to stay in bed when the alarm went off. Instead, I got up before the alarm. If it worked that way, I would have found the trough full when I got outside. Well, technically, it was full; of ice. If it worked that way, I would have $500 in my checkbook, with a notation next to it; for books and new clothes. I would find a store where I could buy first editions and a wardrobe, filling my shelves and closets, for $500.

Ain't gonna happen.

And so, when I look behind me...I see her correcting her math.

-whew- She won't be sitting on my couch, eating nachos, when she's 25.


Cheryl said...

LOL! Great post! (And full of wisdom, too.)

Ma said...

Girl. You are a great teacher. I taught high school ten years and I've been a college professor since 1989 (I don't know how many years that is!) and I can tell you, if all our teachers taught like you our country would have some smart people!

My students get mad at me. They would love for me to just count off points and then turn their paper back in. Instead, they have to correct their mistakes and turn their paper back in for ANY grade. That's the only way to learn.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Bi-Coloured-Python-Rock-Snake said...

You'd best know that this 25-year-old can't wait to sit on his mom's couch and eat nachos.