Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Despite Polly's encouraging words, there is now a trailer parked perpendicular to the driveway. The truck "pulling" it is stuck in the snow. John has to pick us up on his way to elder for Advent services, because, otherwise, we can't get out! We'll fix that after church.

Yep. I did the trailer part OK. I should have been less stubborn and asked Ethan to come out and direct, because, as I tried to back it into the parking slot, I rode right up on the snow next to the driveway. It's SO stuck.

My face is SO red.


Genuine Lustre said...

Well, see, it's not the driver's fault. It's the snow's fault!

Elephantschild said...

And I'm thinking, if the first time I dealt with a trailer I only managed to get it stuck in the snow and not smash out my own garage door or back into a tree, whew! I would think I'd done pretty good!