Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Yep. I'll be waiting a long time for this one!

I planned to blog today about that song, The Twelve Days of Christmas. I did a little reading yesterday and thought about that geology professor of mine. His research into the lyric was pre-Internet. He actually had to go to the library and look it up! Imagine! How...retro...

I had received an e-mail a while back talking about the song as a catechetical tool for Catholics during persecution. I wondered about it, and asked a friend who was Catholic if that was a possibility. He hadn't heard about it, but thought it made some sense, given that the Catholics were persecuted for a time in England where the song may have originated. (There are some who say it might be French; those French always trying to grab the spotlight!)

My reading didn't give me much of an answer. The official position is, "Maybe maybe not." (Quick...which movie??) So you can tell people that this is a way to remember the catechism...or not. It works like this.

Or you can see the song as just a fun song, sung to add to the celebration of Christmas. In that case, you might like this video.

Either way, Merry Fifth Day of Christmas!


Caitlin Magness said...

"Maybe maybe not."


Melody said...

YES, Caitlin, you got it!
Cheryl, she gets extra chocolate today!!