Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Been a While!

We've had houseguests, and that trip to Oklahoma. Now we're back in the saddle, so to speak, and almost recovered. Just in time for more company to drop in tomorrow!

Today was a catch-up day. Some provisions were procured; among them,a lovely bunch of trout, which Keri packaged in foil so that John could grill them until they were YUM. I dug some potatoes; our first in three years!! I think the raised beds are a hit. At least they are for me!! My mom boiled them and made her famous parslied new potatoes. We had a salad from the garden, some peas with pearl onions (from the freezer section) and a Sauvignon Blanc. Oh. My.

Hay was acquired today, and loaded into the barn. We're good until mid-September. Keri and I picked some black raspberries, which will become ice cream for the 4th. We'll get some more tomorrow (the mosquitoes chased us in) and they'll become jam, and I think we'll get some mulberries and red raspberries for jam, too. Mary worked with Wakiya, and Keri and I both rode Hope. Not at the same time, of course.

All in all, a good Friday. Hope yours was, too!

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