Thursday, December 30, 2010

On the Sixth Day of Christmas

We went to the 4H Christmas party.

But first, my family left me alone in the morning. They went off to work and play practice, and I stayed home for a few quiet hours. I spent them watching Precious, a disturbing film. Why I spent quiet time being disturbed is...disturbing itself. Still, I would recommend this film for adults who have made sure no one under, oh, 18, can be watching or hearing it.

Later in the day, I joined my extended family for our weekly lunch out. We started this when Grandma lived with us. Now, even though Grandma and Mom are gone, we can't give up the fun of getting together and spending an hour or more eating and catching up.

And, last night, we finally hit that 4H Christmas party. It's a yearly potluck in a local church's gym. It usually ends up with clusters of adults sitting together and catching up, teens playing cards, and kids of all ages playing basketball at one end of the gym. Last night we talked about riveting things; the price of corn, politics and the government as they affect small farmers, and how good the cherry/oatmeal pie was. That reminds me. I forgot to hunt down the maker of that and ask for the recipe. Durn.

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