Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Farm Report

Winter has finally hit here in northeastern Illinois. Thursday night we were hit with cold temperatures, winds, and snow (which means drifting.) The horses' fur is barely long enough to keep them warm, which means they burn more calories and lose weight. The chickens are acting like all the birds we've had in the past; sitting on the step of their house, looking out at that evil white stuff that is so cold on their little feeties, and covers up all the good stuff we throw out there for them. The dogs beg to go out every 5 minutes, rain, sleet or snow, and then beg to come back in, almost immediately. Such a thing.

I spent today at my dad's, cleaning out and organizing things so he can get ready to move. Yep, he's moving. He bought himself a little house in our town. He also bought a new car, which was necessary, after last Sunday's adventure. He's been busy this week.

I got home in time to try a new beer, make some homemade pizza, and bake some bread for tomorrow. Now, it's movie time!

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