Saturday, December 22, 2007

Still Not Grinchy

Because he called! Yee haw!. (Can an Illinoisan say "Yee Haw!" ?)
He's doing fine, although he's exhausted. He was calling at 3am (Iraq time) had just "gotten off work," and had to be at work again at 9am. We talked for all of 5 minutes, and he was almost off in Sandmanland when he hung up. The only "complaint" was that he's getting too much junk food. Seems all the care packages are heavy on chips and candy, and he wants to lose some weight! Although he is thankful for them.
It's been a busy day here. Riding lessons for MSP, Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts. Somehow never got to cleaning the house, like I'd planned. Tonight is a fire in the fireplace and...Jack. Someday I'll have to tell you about this family's obsession with 24!

1 comment:

Elephantschild said...

Me and the Dh are so tanked out that I think we'll haul out The Office Season Two and a couple bottles of Sam Adams Winter Lager...

No fireplace here, though!

Glad you heard from your boy. :)