Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I was thinking... ("A dangerous pastime" "I know." Quick; what movie? It's one of my ALL TIME favorites, if that helps any!) I know I've had lots of time to think about this, but this is when I chose to do it.

If certain decisions are above a certain someone's pay grade...What if he runs into another one? When a decision comes along that he feels is "above (his) paygrade" what happens? Does he not make the decision? Does he hand it off to someone higher? Who is higher? What about the rest of us? Where do we end up?

And what IS "above (his) paygrade," anyway? I suspect it's just a way to avoid making a decision, as he has many times in the past. But that's mean-spirited. I'm sure there's an honest reason why he said that.


Elephantschild said...

The man's only as good as his teleprompter. Off script, and he's about as bright as a 2am gutter ball at the all-night bowling alley, and about as well-aimed.

Anonymous said...

Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. . .Beauty and the Beast.
As for the rest, sometimes I find it a relief to have neither time nor brain cells to follow politics!!

RPW said...

And what about me? I don't make any money? Does that mean I don't have to make ANY decisions...

Wait, that doesn't sound half bad

Aristotle said that the application of morality to an individual is Ethics. The application of morality to a group of people is Politics. He can claim it is above his paygrade, but legislating morality actually IS his job.

He also makes more than most pastors. Does that mean they (or we) have no business determining what is right or wrong or when life begins? He probably makes more than most of the scientific researchers who also will tell you that human life begins at conception. And he probably makes a heck of a lot more than those "mothers" whom he credits with giving a lot of thought to their decisions to kill their babies.

What we really need is a world where the rich make all the decisions and the people blindly follow...because might makes right.

RPW said...

That last statement is tongue in cheek, by the way.